Erika Linton

PMA-CPT, Licensed Teacher Trainer

Erika Linton was trained to teach Classical Pilates over twenty years ago by Amy Taylor Alpers and Rachel Taylor Segel.  She is a teacher of teachers, sought out by instructors and advanced students from around the country looking to take their practice and training to the highest level. 

Erika was first introduced to Pilates as part of her education in classical ballet in 1992.  She continued to practice throughout her dance career and became an apprentice to her teachers at Mira Costa College in 1998. As a student (and eventually a teacher) at the Pilates Center of Boulder, Erika completed the Advanced Teacher Training Program in 2002 and The Master’s Program in 2008. She received her certification from The Pilates Method Alliance in 2008.  In addition, Erika earned a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Colorado where she also studied anatomy and kinesiology.  She has completed two years of study in embodied anatomy with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.  She is also a certified Somatic Polarity Life Coach.

Erika was hand-picked to become one of the first Licensed Teachers for The Pilates Center Teacher Training Program in 2008. In addition to training over fifty teachers, she offered numerous continuing education workshops for Pilates teachers, both in-person and online, and taught at the annual Pilates Method Alliance Conference.

Erika’s teaching style is rooted in classical Pilates and informed by her knowledge of embodied anatomy, dance, yoga, somatic trauma work, and mindfulness practices.  She believes wholeheartedly that anyone who commits themselves to the work of Pilates will receive the gift of vibrant, powerful, and embodied well-being that is its promise.

When she’s not in the studio Erika can be found trail running in the redwoods, meditating, practicing yoga, and hosting living room dance parties her three awesome children.  

“Erika has been a teacher of mine for over 15 years.

She is a visionary, steeped in an abundance of compassion, who can understand and teach complex bodies. She is a lifelong learner and shares in a beautifully approachable way.”

—Susanne Staehr


What is Pilates?

The Classical Pilates method is a system of movement and therapeutic exercise developed over a span of 60 years by German born athlete and physical culture pioneer, Joseph H. Pilates. Utilizing the specialized equipment he designed, the method works by toning muscles as well as balancing muscular force at the joint level. It stimulates circulation through facilitating muscular flexibility, joint range of motion and proper musculoskeletal alignment. In addition, it promotes new neuromuscular patterns, heightened body awareness, and more precise coordination. All these things combine to help prevent future re-injury and reduce or eliminate chronic pain altogether.